Toddler’s Holiday Gift Guide

It’s that time of the year again! The Holiday season and gift purchasing is in full swing at our Facebook Group “Daily Deals for Moms”! I often get asked what are the Best gifts for toddlers and see this question often in other mom groups, so I thought I’d put together the ultimate gift guideContinue reading “Toddler’s Holiday Gift Guide”

Making Father’s Day Special! Traditions and Gift ideas

Father’s Day is just around the corner, so it’s time to start thinking of some fun ways to make the day extra special for Dad!! We have one day to dedicate to our wonderful dads to honor all they do for our families, so let’s make it memorable! We will cover some fun ideas youContinue reading “Making Father’s Day Special! Traditions and Gift ideas”

Hospital Bag Essentials – Second Round!

Have you been racking your brain and searching all of Pinterest, blogs and asking every friend what you need to take in your hospital bag? Well, then this must be your first pregnancy! That was me, I was so worried that I’d miss something that I searched every site online to prepare for our bigContinue reading “Hospital Bag Essentials – Second Round!”

How to Make a Fairy Garden

Do your kids love fantasy play, fairies, dressing up and tiny toys like mine do? Well then we have a fun project! We will be discussing how to make a Fairy Garden! It’s a great way to introduce your kids to nature, planting, and creating. Fairy gardens were introduced by our grandma in the cornerContinue reading “How to Make a Fairy Garden”

Creating a Zen Space

Have you ever thought, will I ever have a moment to myself again? As your toddler is asking to sit on your lap while you’re on the toilet. With 5 children under one household, the noise level and activities are often nonstop. Weather you have one child or ten, moms are on the go andContinue reading “Creating a Zen Space”

Easy Homemade Slime

Have you been spending hundreds of dollars on slime kits? Are your kids constantly asking you for slime daily like mine? Then you’ve come to the right article! Today we will learn how to make slime and save lots of money as we make it ourselves at home! I will link any items used toContinue reading “Easy Homemade Slime”

Make your own Craft Kits for Kids

There’s nothing that gets a parent through a rainy day or a quarantine like a good craft! Ordering craft kits and pre-made crafts can be pricey! So why not make your own kits at home and be prepared for any rainy day or when your child is in the mood for their next activity! ThisContinue reading “Make your own Craft Kits for Kids”

Simple Ways to Sneak Veggies in Kids Meals

We have all been through it right? We are preparing the next meal and thinking how am I going to get this kid to eat their vegetables!? We have 5 kids that all range in age and with all the kids there have been phases and stages of their lives where they didn’t want toContinue reading “Simple Ways to Sneak Veggies in Kids Meals”

Making Kids Birthdays Special

Birthdays are a day that all little ones look forward to all year! Our kids even have a count down to their big day! So I’m always trying to come up with some fun surprises and traditions to make them feel extra special! We have an amazing blended family and our kids range from 2-20,Continue reading “Making Kids Birthdays Special”

Building Healthy Eating Habits for Kids

. How healthy are we? I know that question runs through my head several times a day as I’m trying to juggle kids daily needs, currently homeschooling and remembering to eat myself for that matter! The reality is taking the time to plan healthy meals takes time, time that most of us don’t seem toContinue reading “Building Healthy Eating Habits for Kids”